Reindeer Lake Outfitting Camp


Reindeer Lake Outfitting Camp

  • This is an asset sale of a world class fly in/boat in fishing camp on titled land.
  • It is located 54 miles north of Southend or 32 miles south of Kinasoo.
  • The camp which was built in the 60’s and 70’s consists of a main for lounging/dining and kitchen, 8 guest/slapping cabins with 3-piece bathrooms and several additional staff cabins and storage buildings.
  • In addition to the 3.76 acres of titled land that the camp sits on the license also includes 9 other fly out lakes.
  • The camp has not operated for several years and only minor maintenance has occurred.
  • A current asset list and appraisal can be obtained from interested parties.

Contact Dave Archer

Call (306) 961-9172

Price: $319,900.00
Address:(306) 961-9172
City:Reindeer Lake
Property Type:Outfitter Camp