Bringing Dogs Across the Border - Social Image

If you’re travelling to Saskatchewan to hunt, you’re permitted to bring your hunting dogs across the border. Most dogs will require the proper rabies vaccination paperwork. Some anglers bring a dog as a companion on a fishing trip. The same requirements apply regardless of the reason for bringing your dog across the border.

The first thing to know is that the Government of Canada can refuse entry to any pet that does not meet it’s requirements.

As long as the dog entering Canada is entering as a pet, and will be returning with you when you leave, there is no need for the dog to have microchip or tattoo identifications. (Note: these are required if dogs are being imported for sale, for breeding, or other purposes.)

For all dogs, other than puppies under the age of 3 months, a rabies vaccination certificate will be required as well as proof of the dog’s age. Click below for further details regarding the rabies vaccination certificate requirements.

Rabies Vaccination Certificate Requirements

If you are travelling by commercial airliner you should check with the airline for pet transportation requirements.

We suggest you speak with your outfitter or fishing lodge prior to bringing your dog along. For some fly-in fishing destinations, dogs may not be allowed, or there may be additional charges. At some waterfowl hunting outfitters, they allow you to bring your own dogs but you will be responsible for their performance in the field.

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