Big Deer, Big Bodies, Big Racks
Size matters when hunting for a whitetail deer trophy. Of course, it does. Nobody listens to tales about a spike buck they travelled to hunt. Sitting in your stand on the first day of your Saskatchewan hunt, layered up with clothing to protect against the winter chill, you don’t pull the trigger on that little buck that stops broadside in your shooting lane. Sure, you lift your gun or bow and train crosshairs on the vitals, just for practice. But you know there are bigger deer in the woods around you. You have a score in mind. And your patience is rewarded with a deer sporting the antlers you dreamt about. After the hunt, you’ll remember how you felt when the deer went down, and just how heavy, how big the body on that deer really was.
Saskatchewan deer grow big. They need to grow big bodies to survive our long cold winters. In tough years, smaller, weaker deer become part of the natural selection process – the big deer live on.
World Record Genetics
Just the mention of Saskatchewan whitetail deer brings up the legendary Hanson Buck, the world record typical whitetail trophy taken in Saskatchewan. While that happened a few decades ago, the world record genetic line of that deer is still out there, roaming free in Saskatchewan. Imagine seeing that buck’s descendants from your seat in the blind.
Healthy Deer Population
In the early years of this decade, we had a couple of hard winters, even by Saskatchewan standards. The deep snow came early and continued to pile up, making it hard for deer to forage for food. Cold temperatures and high wind chills on top of high snowfalls made for some tough years on our deer population.
That was then. Saskatchewan’s deer populations have had the years to grow back, and now the hunting is as good as ever. From the southern forest fringes to the land of trees and meadows, you’ll find excellent hunting opportunities across the province.
Professional Outfitters
The Saskatchewan Commission of Professional Outfitters (SCPO) is an industry-driven, not-for-profit association made up of licensed professional outfitters. Our members know the lay of the land, the whims of weather, the habits of local fish & game. As licensed professional outfitters, they operate within a code of ethics and to a standard that ensures your hunting experience is everything you expect. Outstanding hospitality. Unmatched experienced guides. Ethical hunting and fishing practices.
Bragging Rights
With each hunting trip, there’s a story to be told. Not just about the hunt story, but also the destination. Saskatchewan is a destination on many deer hunters’ bucket lists. The whitetail hunt here is different than your home state. The weather can be harsh, the conditions more challenging, the landscape more rugged, but the rewards are far greater. And after a successful hunt, you’ll have earned bragging rights to tell your Saskatchewan whitetail deer hunting story.
Find Your Outfitter Today
If you’re a non-Canadian resident looking to hunt whitetail deer in Saskatchewan, you must hunt with an outfitter. Click below to find your SCPO member outfitter.